pause - breathe - notice
meditation instruction, support & services
mindful leadership
mandala art & lessons

Certified Meditation Instruction ~ Mandala Art ~ Workshops ~ and More!
Cedar.Sky.Stone is a place for those seeking a path to calm, to creativity and to connection.
Here you will find meditation instruction that is offered in several different modes; from individual to group to business and retreats.
As a late blooming artist, my mandalas serve as a homage to trust, design and beauty. They represent the circle of connection. The gallery will soon be available for viewing and ordering.
Meditation stones tie my meditation and art offerings together. Each stone has a meaningful word on the back to reflect on. They are available to purchase for yourself or as a gift or can be special ordered for occasions such as weddings, celebrations or ceremonies.
I see you, I honour you, and I welcome you.

pause - breathe - notice
When I allowed myself to get lost in the process it became more of a meditation. I was able to relax and allow, rather than try so hard to make it perfect. Close up there are MANY imperfections, but as with life, at a bit of a distance, it’s really quite beautiful.
Thank you so much Judi for the introduction, tools and tips. Contrary to my initial belief about the process, this might just be something that helps me LET GO of ideas of control and perfectionism. Wouldn’t THAT be the best possible outcome from a basic, introductory class!
Mandala class participant
Judi was prepared and presented the material in easy to understand terms. Discussion time was kept to a minimum and meditation times were perfect for an introduction to meditating. Balance was great.
I liked the small group and the peaceful calm manner Judi used to explain the type of meditation we were using.
Meditation student - small group
I liked the energy in the group and the calm delivery by the facilitator.
Meditation student - small group
236-463-0130 (Call or Text)
Qualicum Beach, BC, Canada